Non mi sembra vero, it doesn't sound true!
For the ones who still didn't see the advertisement on the newspapers I want to tell about this new initiative by Telecom Italia also if to be fully honest I never liked this company, the former SIP, just because it used to be the telephone giant that for decades didn't let us have any choice in the supply of phone services.
But this time I'm really happy for the "Tocca a te", and I urge everyone of you to have a look at it and to propose some ideas.
Okay, one step back: what is it all about?
After only 10 years we Italians realized not to have any important internet company. Certainly there are a number of reasons, but in my opinion the main one is about the higher difficulty, comparing with America, of translating a good idea into a good company. So Telecom Italia hoped that the problem is not the lack of ideas (I guess they are right!) and decided to make lots of resources available to all the people who will be able to submit a convincing business plan for a 2.0 internet company.
Come on, don't waste this chance!