In my opinion this is a great piece of art, the most contemporary expression of photography.
Think this: in the past photography was above all a social medium, like in the World War II and with the photojournalism wave that followed from the '50s to the '70s, in a time of great cooperation and organization between private citizens. Then TV superseded magazines, like Life, which basically disappeared together with photojournalism. Those were also the times where individualism grew up steep, up until today, where life is mostly car-work-internet-tv. So in my opinion this guy taking one picture a day for 6 years of his face all alone blends in one moment: individualism by pointing the camera toward himself, the power of tv over photography mounting the pictures into a sequence with beautiful music, and finally gets his 15 minutes of celebrity thanks to the internet where almost 12 million people have already watched him. Is this a genius?
My friends, take care of yourselves and greetings from Leola PA, Nic
This blog evolved from an earlier weekly letter called La pensée du vendredi , which basically was supposed to be the last thought of the working week I wanted to share with my friends before the weekend started. Now posts are less regular, because I started to write only when I've got something that must be shared, whatever day it is !